rePurpose Global is at the frontlines of the global plastic waste crisis. At the heart their environmental impact are waste workers across 10+ impact projects in 5 different countries. Waste workers do not always receive the dignity they deserve for the critical work they do. By funding innovative waste infrastructure in countries where plastic pollution is a threat, rePurpose is empowering waste workers with a steady income and safe working conditions. Alléo Energy has partnered with repurpose and is dedicated to creating lasting impact through meaningful Plastic Action. Specifically, we supported their work on Project Saaf Samudra in Goa, India. Through Project Saaf Samudra alone, we now recover 1.5+ million lbs of plastic waste annually. That's the equivalent of over 340 million plastic pouches or 37 million plastic bottles removed from nature!
CLICK HERE to review the full report for Project Saaf Samudra. This Impact Report is brought to life by insightful photos and statistics from the ground. You might also enjoy watching our waste workers talk about how this partnership is helping transform their worlds, one day at a time.