alléo /al-eh-oh/
change of form
for higher & better use

alléo /ä-leh-oh/
change of form for higher & better use
We develop clean energy facilities that convert waste into 100% renewable high value commodities in
a carbon negative process.

Tailored clean energy solutions for local communities

Municipal Waste
Following MSW processing for RDF we can now provide the highest and best use for municipal refuse.
Forest Residues
Pre-commercial thinnings, slash (highway overgrowth, etc), hurricane debris, preventative forest fire maintenance, invasive species, etc.
Agricultural Residues
Bagasse (sugar beet processing waste), etc.
Note: This is an inexhaustive short list of qualifying feedstocks (over 60 different feedstock categories have been successfully processed).
Green Hydrogen​​
Applications in road transport (fuel cell automobiles), green electricity production, etc.
Renewable Liquid Fuel
Applications in overland trucking, marine, aviation (jet fuel), generators.
Sustainable High-Grade Biochar
Sequesters carbon for natural and enduring alternative to fertilizer, increasing soil productivity and plant growth which in turn naturally extracts CO2 from the air.
Revolutionary Premium Graphene
Breakthrough industrial material enabling everything from increased efficiency in batteries to higher computing speed to safer roads . .
Natural Pesticide Alternative
Another co-product of the process, which carries a host of beneficial properties, is wood vinegar, a promising alternative to pesticides.

"Over the past few years of working with Alléo, USP&E has been increasingly impressed
with the Alléo management team’s vision. Integrity and unity are the Alléo mission. Moreover, Alléo is committed to making a difference in the communities that Alléo serves as well as through the energy projects they are developing around the world.
USP&E has been doing business for 20 years and has rarely come across a company so aligned with its raison d’etre. Alléo is focused on becoming the premier renewable liquid
fuels solution for the planet and with their integrity, work ethic, and passion they have a good recipe for becoming a truly enduring company."